AMBITION is a strong desire to do or achieve something. Some have it, and others don’t.
MEGAN HAWKINS counts herself amongst the former category.
After spending seven years principally as Newcastle Jockey Club’s receptionist and the first face visitors see when they come into the office, she has been appointed as Racing Operations Supervisor.
There’s no time to put her feet under the desk though with the club’s annual two-day spring carnival right on her doorstep this week.
When David Dyson left recently to take up a position as Newcastle trainer Nathan Doyle’s racing manager, Hawkins didn’t hesitate to throw her hat in the ring.
“It’s something I have always been interested in,” she told us.
“As well as the receptionist duties, I helped David with Gary Harley’s previews and reviews for the website and have got to know both he and Sky Racing’s Gavin Carmody well.
“Also, I have been communicating with owners and trainers about their runners at our meetings, and also looking after winning owners at the Winners’ Bar after each race.”
Hawkins grew up on a small farm at Clarence Town, and thus was around horses from an early age.
“Our family later moved to Jerrys Plains, not far from Coolmore Australia, where my younger brother Dan Krzanic has worked for many years,” she said.
“Dan was one of the lead stallion managers there, and I visit Coolmore regularly and have become more interested in the thoroughbred.
“He is now an all-rounder from stallions to yearlings to transport and currently in New Zealand still working for Coolmore, and is my greatest influence.”
Hawkins had two interviews for the NJC position, and was over the moon when advised by chief executive Duane Dowell that she had been successful.
“I’ve got a lot to learn no doubt, but am really looking forward to understanding more about each facet of the role,” she said.
“I felt it was time for a change to take on more responsibility and get my hands dirty.
“Because I have been looking after winning owners, I have been around the saddling enclosure on racedays.
“Now I’ll get the chance to become more involved dealing with trainers and other industry participants as well.
“And I’m open to exploring new ideas whenever we need to.”
NJC boss Duane Dowell said the club received plenty of applications for the position.
“There were a number of other really good candidates who I could have given the job to any day of the week,” he said.
“However, this was an ideal opportunity to promote someone from inside the organisation and Megan fitted the bill, particularly because of her experience already communicating with owners and trainers.
“It’s a very important part of the role, and I’m confident Megan will do an excellent job.”
Story John Curtis, September 17, 2024